The oldest Finnish Military Periodical
Sotilasaikakauslehti is regarded as highly prestigious, the oldest Finnish military periodical Sotilasaikakauslehti is an independent and the most widely read publication in the field in Finland.
Finnish military periodical, Sotilasaikakauslehti is published by the Officers’ Union whose membership comprises 97 percent of the officers of the Finnish Defence Forces and of the Finnish Border Guard who have taken the master’s degree in military sciences. Finnish military periodical reaches all the desicion makers within the finnish defence.

In addition, the readership includes civil servants and officers in the Ministry of Defence and in various military-related agencies and services as well as many members of the Parliament.
Finnish military periodical,Sotilasaikakauslehtiis published on a monthly basis and reaches about 10 000 readers.
It deals with a wide range of topics of current military interest both in Finland and internationally: the articles cover tactics, technology, education and training, war history and crisis management.

Finnish military periodical, Sotilasaikakauslehti is the only Finnish publication that is aimed at decision-makers in the military field, finnish army, finnish navy, finnish air force and therefore international and Finnish companies that play an important role in defence and military technology have chosen it as their advertising medium in Finland.
How to advertise in Sotilasaikakauslehti?
When you buy advertising space in Sotilasaikakauslehti you ensure that you will be seen by decision-makers in the Finnish Defence Forces and the Border Guard.
For more information and in matters related to advertising space, please contac Mr Juha Halminen:
mobile: +358 50 5922722
address: Sotilasaikakauslehti, Laivastokatu 1 b B, FI – 00160 Helsinki, Finland